Conditions Treated

The combination of traditional chiropractic, neurology, and nutrition therapies helps many health conditions. The following list includes a few of the health problems GNI treats.

We hurt when something activates pain centers in our brains. This can happen when we experience a physical injury, such as a cut, broken bone, sprained ligaments, muscle injuries and other trauma. Inflammation from injuries, arthritis, infections, and subluxation of joints can also cause pain. Many disease processes such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, tumors, and autoimmune disorders can also cause pain.

At GNI, a careful history and examination look for the cause of the pain. When it is deemed that the pain syndrome is within our scope of practice, our treatments include adjustment of joints involved in the pain cycle, including the spine and other joints such as the fingers, knees, hips, feet and so forth. Treatment also involves activation of pain inhibition in the central nervous system through carefully directed exercise therapy. The brain actively inhibits pain, and when brain activity improves, we feel less pain. Nutritional therapy is also used to improve the health of our body, including the brain and its pain inhibition mechanisms.

Headaches happen for many reasons. These include infections, tumors, blood vessel diseases, dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system, allergic reactions, blood sugar problems, toxicity due to alcohol and many other substances, developmental problems, and even subluxation of the bones in the skull. Ineffective function of pain inhibition in our nervous system can make our heads hurt also.

At GNI, we investigate the history of each patient’s headaches to see if there is a cause. A physical and neurological exam is then done and interpreted. This examination is followed by x-rays or other imaging studies if needed. A manual (hands on) exam is done to determine if misalignment exists in cranial bones, the spine and other joints that affect the headaches.

Ataxia is a loss of coordination and balance. It often occurs as we get older but can occur earlier in life.  Dysfunction in the cerebellum is commonly the chief cause, but ataxia can also occur from ear infections, problems in the neck and back, concussions, reactions to medicines and toxic substances, and from various illnesses. The ability to move about in a coordinated manner, and to avoid falling depends heavily on the cerebellum. For hundreds of years coordination of movement was thought to be the cerebellum’s chief function. Some doctors, however, observed and taught that the cerebellum also coordinates higher brain functions, such as cognition or thinking, memory, emotion, and psychological functions (Jackson, 1898; Schmahmann, 1991, 1996, 1997). In 1998, The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome was authored by doctors Schmahmann and Sherman.  Since then, more than 2,000 research studies have found support the premise that the cerebellum coordinates both movement and higher brain functions.

At GNI, we use therapy that improves cerebellum function and reverses many of the effects of ataxia (For more information, see the Research page). These functional improvements include both physical movement and higher brain functions.  

Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders can occur for many reasons, including genetics, prenatal drug exposure, side effects from medicine, poor diet, and other causes. Dysfunction within the cerebellum contributes significantly to ADD and ADHD. The cerebellum coordinates all nervous system functions, and rehabilitation of cerebellum motor coordination with Gifford Neurology’s Cerebellum Motor Coordination Rehabilitation Program improves the ability to pay attention both mentally and physically. Dr. Gifford has observed these clinical changes in many patients, and will conduct formal ADD – ADHD research in the fall of 2019.

Quality of life is most important! Many patients come to GNI seeking better health. GNI approaches our task through chiropractic neurology, clinical nutrition, dietary counseling, and exercise therapy. Good examinations and assessments help GNI customize therapy to the needs of each of our patients.